DiyMusicBiz Amanda Vol.1 WAV Free Download
THE “AMANDA” SPANISH GUITAR LOOP KIT This pack include 26 Spanish guitars samples Labeled by (bpm and scales) Recorded and composed by @ncodexmusic These samples are 100% royalty-free for selling beats online but I’m always grateful if you want to add me as a collaborator My tag is for optional use but id appreciates it if you used it. NCODEX MUSIC
26 Sounds
DiyMusicBiz is owned and operated by Greg Savage, a former semi-pro gamer turned TV composer/sound designer. My start in sound design began in the early 2000s. I was a semi-pro gamer competing in first person shooters (Medal Of Honor Allied Assault, BF1942, COD, Counter-Strike) and I would always explore the file management systems looking for ways to replace sounds in the games that I enjoyed. I had no idea what sound design was or that there could even be a career waiting behind my curiosity. These days, the sound design division of DiyMusicBiz is comprised of multiple musicians/sound designers running hybrid setups containing vintage samplers, preamps, compressors as well as majority of the latest software plugins. If you’d like to stay up to date with us please follow via Instagram @diymusicbiz